Music. It is all around us, all of the time, for all our lives. Everybody has some form of relationship with it, everybody has an opinion on it. It means different things to each of us. For some it’s at the heart of our identity. For others it simply soundtracks the hoovering. It brings together toddlers and grandparents, people from all backgrounds, in a way that few things can.

Future Yard was established as a new kind of community music venue, one that takes an active role in the local community, creating music programmes and activities with a positive impact that are shaped by local people.

Earlier this year, we had an open conversation with our neighbours, the people who live in and around us in Birkenhead. We asked about the role music plays in local people’s lives, asking the question: What Does Music Mean To You?

Read the full report (PDF)

The project identified four key barriers to access, disproportionately affecting the most disadvantaged members of our community: cost, awareness, perception and programming.

To overcome these barriers, we are establishing a Neighbourhood Fund to resource free and subsidised tickets, and a Neighbourhood Champions Group of local voices to guide our community music programme.

Future Yard’s Neighbourhood Programme will be shaped by you, our neighbours. That may seem obvious, but too often isn’t the case. Whether it be music activities for kids and young families, music therapies, workshop programmes, activities for the elderly, or a whole manner of things we haven’t considered yet, our Neighbourhood Champions Group will allow you to share what music means to you and shape what our Neighbourhood Programme looks like.

To create this, we want to hear from you.


Neighbourhood Programme Future Yard


We are keen to work with local community organisations and businesses to achieve our vision.

If you would like to talk to us about bringing your expertise to our Neighbourhood Champions Group, helping to shape our work, get in touch:
Mika Haasler, Business and Partnership Development Manager, mika@futureyard.org
